Full Bands

In need of a full band? I’ve got 2 to chose from . . .

Fishtank Ensemble – World Class World Music

Fishtank Ensemble is a leading world music band from California, bringing their unique high energy and virtuosic stage show that blends a wide range of styles – Turkish, Romanian, Gypsy, French hot jazz, Balkan, Greek, and more.

The LA Weekly calls them “cross pollinated gypsy music….one of the most thrilling young acts on the planet.” Formed in 2005 and playing everywhere from the hippest LA clubs to festivals, cultural centers, museums, parades, and even on the street, the band includes two explosive violins, the world’s best slap bass player, musical saw, flamenco and gypsy jazz guitar, trombone, opera, jazz and gypsy vocals, accordion and one little banjolele. Tackling everything from French hot jazz to wild Serbian and Transylvanian gypsy anthems, Flamenco, and oddball originals, the band is a not to be missed event for world music lovers…and everyone will love this intoxicating mix of music!!

Find out more at Fishtankensemble.com

Gypsy Boombox – Classic Hip Hop meets Flamenco

What do you get when you mix a 20 year passion for flamenco guitar, a love of classic hip hop and the realization that all hip hop music is just super simplified flamenco harmony? What you get is Gypsy Boombox. Coming straight out of Hollywood California, Gypsy Boombox  has an energy and excitement for the music that has to be experienced.

The hip hop becomes more musical and the flamenco guitar becomes more accessible to non-aficianados of the art. Throw in a little sprinkling of ‘Yacht Rock’ for some additional flavor and we can guarantee you’ve never heard hip hop like this before!

Find out more at Gypsyboombox.com